Вованыч_1977> Т.е. якорь с сегодняшнего дня - атавизм? Сам Зумвальт сказал
В ссылке, указанной ниже по поводу отсутствия якоря на "Зумвалте"
народ тоже интересовался, но ответ мне не совсем понятен.
Вроде ухудшается стелс-незаметность?
Привожу их:
Ken Kerckhoff • a year ago −
Where are the lifelines on deck? Where do the sailorswalk and work on deck?
I see no anchor, mooring line chocks, winches, or anything else needed to operate any ship from docking to signaling, to ANYTHiNG for unrepping, close-aboard operations, etc.
Are you sure it's not a submarine?...LT,1968
Frank Eisenman Ken Kerckhoff • a year ago −
You need to remember one thing about this class, it's suppose to be a stealth vessel. Submarine tech has proven affect in the past.... retractable cleat and other mooring equipment, anchors that are pulled into the bottom of the hull, ect