stas27>>> При всем моем уважении к Ивану, я бы все-таки прислушивался к нему в тех вопросах, в которых он является специалистом
И.Н.>> Что, таки аспартама нет в молоке? Или аспартам стал полезным?
Или IGF-1? Или rbGH?stas27> С ты очно знаешь, что это такое, откуда и зачем там берется и чем конкретно вредно? Только конкретно, без агиток 
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Negative aspects...
a) Reduced or improved insulin tolerance
Two studies showed that in adults, increased levels of IGF-1 were associated with opposite results.
In one study, higher IGF-1 levels were linked to increased risk of developing reduced insulin tolerance and diabetes (Heald and coworkers, 2001).
However, Sandhu and coworkers (2002) found a "possible protective role of IGF-1 against development of glucose intolerance".
When researchers find such opposing results, it is difficult to draw conclusions. We will have to wait for additional evidence to emerge from research before we can decide if IGF-1 worsens glucose tolerance and causes diabetes, or if it plays a protective role.
b) Heart disease and cancer
Some researchers state that high IGF-1 levels will promote cell growth leading to heart disease and cancer, while others believe that low IGF-1 levels will cause age-related cell deterioration that will in turn lead to heart disease and cancer.
Researchers are also studying drugs that will inhibit IGF-1 as potential anti-cancer agents.
Once again, we are left guessing as to what role IGF-1 may actually play in these diseases. At the moment we don't know if IGF-1 causes or prevents them.
"Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), in particular IGF-I and IGF-II, strongly stimulate the proliferation of a variety of cancer cells, including those from lung cancer. High plasma levels of IGF-I were associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Plasma levels of IGF-I are patients with lung cancer than in control subjects."
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, vol. 91, no. 2. January 20, 1999.