S.I.>> У него ПК из керамики, а передняя полусфера из кварцевого стекла. Из углеродного композита возможно лёгкий корпус.
au> Не рассказывайте свои сказки.
au> "The vehicle is a unique design made from 8,000 pounds of carbon fibre and titanium."
au> 404 Not Found
au> Hawkes tells PM: "The pressure hull is made of a custom-designed carbon fiber, with very thick walls."
au> Deep Flight Challenger Submersible
au> http://www.popularmechanics.com/.../deep-flight-challenger-0411-md.jpg
au> Дошло? 
Fortunately, Hawkes knew that a U.S.
Navy scientist named Jerry Stachiw had been
secretly working on the same problem at
the National Deep Submergence Facility, in
San Diego, two decades earlier. At the time
the Navy was interested in developing lightweight,
cylindrical hulls for unmanned vessels
that could dive below 20,000 feet, and
Stachiw had researched different composites,
ceramics, glass, and carbon. Hawkes
called up Stachiw, since retired, and asked
him to be a consultant on the project. “It just
happened that the diameter of the cylindrical
hull we were looking for was very close to the
one Jerry had been developing,” says Hawkes.
“So we picked up where he left off. We’d just
need to push the strength of materials another
10 to 20 percent and we were home free.”

Гугли THE 36,201FT (deep) MAN