Russia, China Moot Joint Aircraft Production

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IL Serge Pod #17.08.2001 09:19

Serge Pod


Russia, China Moot Joint Aircraft Production

Russia counts on the signing of a new agreement with China in early September on the reciprocal recognition of airworthiness of civil aviation equipment, Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov told journalists on Wednesday [15 August] after talks with a delegation from China`s main civil aviation administration.

According to Klebanov, the signing of the agreement is expected to take place during Premier Zhu Rongji`s visit to Russia at the beginning of the coming autumn.

The Russian deputy prime minister said: ``China confirmed its intention to buy Russian-made Tu-204 planes.`` More, both sides are now mulling proposals for supplies to China of the latest modifications of the Il-96-300 and Il-76 planes, as well as the Il- 114.

Klebanov noted that many officials from a number of Chinese airlines arrived at the MAKS-2001 aerospace show and showed an active interest in the Russian aviation equipment on view here.

Russia is also drafting an intergovernmental agreement with China on the joint development and production of civilian aeroplanes. According to Klebanov, this document may come up for signing as early as this year.

``We have also proposed for China to buy stock in the Russian civil aircraft manufacturing factories,`` the deputy prime minister said. He noted that the Chinese delegation members showed interest in this proposal.

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