...Для того, чтобы отслеживать Аполлон-11 Сатурн-5
СССР необходимо было научиться отслеживать Аполлон-7 Сатурн-1Б и другие спутники..
- Intelsat, Syncom, OSCAR, Telstar, Relay, Courier, Echo, TIROS, SCORE, Lunar Orbiter, Surveyor, Ranger..cекретные спутники НАТО, ПЕНТАГОН..
Аполлон-7...Сатурн-1Б....AS-205...11 октября 1968
Аполлон-8...Сатурн-5.....SA-503...21 декабря 1968
Аполлон-11..Сатурн-5.....SA-506...16 июля 1969
Two Intelsat communications satellites will be used for Apollo 7, one positioned over the Atlantic Ocean in an equatorial orbit varying about six degrees N and S latitude and six degrees W longitude.
The Atlantic satellite will service the Ascension Island USB station, the Atlantic Ocean ship and the Canary Island site.
Only two of these three stations will be transmitting information back to Goddard at any one time, but all four stations can receive at all times.
The second Apollo Intelsat communications satellite is located about 170 degrees E. longitude over the mid-Pacific near the Equator at the international dateline.
It will service the Carnarvon, Australian USB site and the Pacific Ocean ships.
All these stations will be able to transmit simultaneously through the satellite to Houston via Brewster Flat, Wash., and the Goddard Space Flight Center.