
ВМС США [вторая половина ХХ века и современность...2]

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RalF !


Враги собираются закладывать последний незаложенный корабль 4-й серии Вирджиний- SSN-800 Арканзас. Дело будет 19-го ноября, исходя из данных амеров, фактическая постройка корабля началась в марте 2018-го, ну и на медиаматериалах с постройки видно, что постройка продвинулась уже очень далеко.

Arkansas (SSN 800) - HII

CEREMONIAL KEEL LAYING Newport News Shipbuilding will hold a ceremonial keel laying for Arkansas (SSN 800) on Saturday, Nov. 19, to celebrate the symbolic beginning of the U.S. Navy submarine’s construction. Read a list of frequently asked questions. The event is invitation only, however, a live webcast of the ceremony will be available on this //  hii.com
KZ Верный союзник с Окинавы #17.11.2022 18:00  @Гость Мк3#16.11.2022 11:21
Г.М.> Понятно, что "аппетиты растут", но и инфляцию тоже учитывать надо. Сегодняшний бакс это, грубо говоря, лишь этак половина бакса середины 90-х. В принципе, можно найти онлайн-калькулятор инфляции и посчитать точнее...

4.3 лярда в наших деньгах.

Но с тех пор и сонары сложнее стали, и подлодки должны быть тише и запас энергии под всё нужен больше...

Ну и аппетиты у ВПК выросли.
KZ Верный союзник с Окинавы #17.11.2022 18:03  @Гость Мк3#16.11.2022 11:21
US Seafang-45 #17.11.2022 22:30



U.S. Navy Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN 728) signal to an MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter, attached to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46, during a vertical replenishment operation, Nov. 4, 2022.
RU bugor337 #18.11.2022 01:27  @Seafang-45#27.09.2022 19:15



Seafang-45> Они включали Двухдиапазонный радар воздушного поиска.

Уважаемый Seafang-45, Вы говорите: "Они включали Двухдиапазонный радар воздушного поиска". Прошу ответить на вопрос, если можете: "Насколько верна информация, что радар воздушного поиска на CVN-78 работает в двух диапазонах, или он только называется двухдиапазонным?" Спасибо.
RU Гость Мк3 #18.11.2022 11:26  @bugor337#18.11.2022 01:27

Гость Мк3


Seafang-45>> Они включали Двухдиапазонный радар воздушного поиска.
bugor337> Уважаемый Seafang-45, Вы говорите: "Они включали Двухдиапазонный радар воздушного поиска". Прошу ответить на вопрос, если можете: "Насколько верна информация, что радар воздушного поиска на CVN-78 работает в двух диапазонах, или он только называется двухдиапазонным?" Спасибо.

Не Seafang-45, но отвечу.

Это же DBR (SPY-3 плюс SPY-4):

The US Navys Dual Band Radars

The US Navy's newest light cruiser and aircraft carrier designs offer a wide array of new technologies. One is the Dual-Band Radar (DBR) system, which can be scaled up or down for installation in the new DDG-1000 Zumwalt Class "destroyers", and the //  www.defenseindustrydaily.com

Единственный комплектный образец DBR стоит именно на Джеральде Форде, кстати. На Замволтах DBR в урезанной комплектации, без SPY-4.

А на следующих Фордах будет уже EASR.
19.11.2022 08:55, bugor337: +1: Спасибо!
RU Вованыч #19.11.2022 19:48


Выведенный из боевого состава "Хью Сити" (CG-66)
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Hue City (CG-66).jpg (скачать) [3944x2179, 570 кБ]
US Seafang-45 #20.11.2022 23:00



USS John P. Murtha Underway After Repairs in San Diego

Amphibious warship USS John P. Murtha (LPD-26) left San Diego, Calif.,after two days of repairs.

The ship left San Diego just after 11 a.m. local time, according to local ship spotters. The amphib, assigned to the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group, returned to port after deploying last week.

A spokesperson from Expeditionary Strike Group 3 that USS Murtha suffered a casualty in the ship’s lube oil system that was repaired. The spokesperson did not have additional details on the casualty.

USS Murtha deployed with USS Makin Island (LHD-8) and USS Anchorage (LPD-23) with 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit for a Pacific deployment.

The ARG/MEU includes the aviation combat element with the “Flying Leathernecks” of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 122 flying F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters and the “Ugly Angels” of Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 362 (Reinforced) flying MV-22B Ospreys; the logistics combat element made up of Combat Logistics Battalion 13; and the ground combat element with 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines.

USS Murtha and USS Anchorage have been tested as recovery platforms for NASA’s Orion spacecraft. It’s unclear what San Antonio-class ship the Navy will use to recover the Orion capsule that was launched on Wednesday as part of the Artemis I mission. The capsule is expected back in mid-December.
US Seafang-45 #20.11.2022 23:16



Five Aircraft Carriers Set to Operate Together in Europe for NATO Exercise.

U.S. aircraft carriers USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) will exercise with aircraft carriers from France, Italy and the United Kingdom as part of a joint operation across Europe meant to show NATO interoperability, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

The two American carrier strike groups, their embarked air wings and escorts will be operating in the North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea and Mediterranean Sea along with the U.K. Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), Italian carrier ITS Cavour (CVH 550) and the French FS Charles de Gaulle (R 91), Sabrina Singh, deputy Pentagon press secretary, told reporters.

“These operations present an opportunity for allied nations to coordinate critical combat power throughout the Euro-Atlantic area while showcasing NATO cohesion and interoperability,” Singh said. “It is also an opportunity to test allied cooperation and to practice NATO’s deter and defend concepts across all geographic areas, operational domains and functional areas of the alliance.”

Singh referred questions about the joint operations to U.S. European Command.

The USS George H.W. Bush CSG has been operating in the Mediterranean since August when it replaced the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group. Bush and USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) operated together briefly before USS Truman returned home to Norfolk, Va., the first time two U.S. aircraft carriers were in the Mediterranean together in several years. During its deployment, Truman exercised with Charles de Gaulle and Cavour.

As of Thursday afternoon, USS Ford was off Portsmouth, England. Charles de Gaulle departed France on Nov. 15 as part of Mission Antares, according to a French news release. The mission includes 3,000 service members from France and partners.

As part of Mission Antares, the French carrier will operate with ships from the Hellenic, Italian and American navies, according to the release.

HMS Queen Elizabeth has largely taken over the operations for HMS Prince of Wales (R09), which is undergoing a repair to its propulsion system.Queen Elizabeth stepped in for some of HMS Prince of Wales’ port visits, including to New York, before it shipped out for a planned deployment in the Atlantic.
US Seafang-45 #22.11.2022 20:57



USS Zumwalt’s Recent Pacific Underway is ‘First Step’ for Future of the Class, Says Pacific Fleet (PACFLEET)

Ahead of next year’s installation of hypersonic missiles, the Navy took one of its most advanced warships out for a three-month underway in the Western Pacific to test the ship’s capabilities and reliability, the commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet.

USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000), this month, wrapped up an operational testing period in the U.S. Pacific Fleet, giving the service the opportunity to work out the destroyer’s systems and crew ahead of the upgrade period that includes outfitting it with hypersonic weapons at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Miss.

“We learned a lot. [The] main thing we learned about was how to sustain it as it’s often operated,” Adm. Samuel Paparo, at the annual Military Reporters and Editors conference, “It’s an exquisite capability with a ton of promise.”

Paparo acknowledged the program’s difficult past – the Navy commissioned the ship six years ago, and it has mostly been used as a test platform out of San Diego. That history is why the service did not publicly announce Zumwalt leaving to operate in PACFLEET, he said.

During its time underway from early August through early November, Zumwalt operated in both U.S. 3rd Fleet and U.S. 7th Fleet, making port calls in Hawaii, Guam and Yokosuka, Japan.

“We’re really kind of worker-like in getting the Zumwalt west of the dateline, operating her, operating her systems, stretching and training its crew, integrating it with the rest of the fleet to bring its capabilities to bear,” Paparo said.

In a call with reporters last week, Capt. Shea Thompson, the commodore for Surface Development Squadron 1, declined to say whether Zumwalt operated in the South China Sea during the recent underway.

“She conducted joint and bilateral simulated maritime fires training with the 613 [Air Operations Center] and B-1 Bombers, to include a Japanese destroyer and CTF-71 staff. And that was to test combat systems capabilities while operating in 7th Fleet,” Thompson said. “They also worked with the forward deployed [explosive ordnance disposal] unit on the mine countermeasures proof of concept and she integrated with the fleet [maritime operations centers] and conducted air operations with the Army.”

Zumwalt will go into the dry dock in late 2023 for an 18-month maintenance availability and get outfitted with hypersonic missiles in Fiscal Year 2024 and FY 2025, Thompson said.

After the availability, Zumwalt will go through several months of testing to ensure the hypersonic missiles were installed correctly. It will then take the ship about a year to go through workups to prepare for its first deployment with the hypersonic weapons.

“We intend to upgrade its mission systems. We intend to employ its stealthy capabilities, its passive detection, its [mission bay], the ability to integrate undersea unmanned capabilities, surface unmanned capabilities and to really use it as an all-domain platform that can collect. It can sense".

“It can execute rapid disorienting fires and can do so in contested environments to be a difference maker and an enabling capability. This year was a first step. It was exciting. We tested her. We wrung out its crew. We built confidence in our ability to sustain her. We put her to sea for long periods of time. We gained confidence in her propulsion systems and her weapon systems.”

RalF !


Заложили 27-ю Вирджинию SSN-800 Арканзас. Ну и это последняя незаложенная Вирджиния 4-й серии. На фото самая последняя секция корпуса, носовая, уже по большей части готовая. Летом светилась самая большая секция корпуса, доставляемая в Ньюпорт-Ньюс. С чем связана столь поздняя закладка-хз.

Нашёл инфу, что второй корабль 5-й серии- Аризону, будут закладывать 7-го декабря, в годовщину понятно чего.

795-я до сих пор не начала ходовые испытания-спустя 15+ месяцев после спуска. Ну и да, в этом году на воду походу будет спущена только одна Вирджиния-796 14-го апреля.
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R.!> Заложили 27-ю Вирджинию SSN-800 Арканзас.

SSN-700 Dallas заложили 9 октября 1976 года. Закладку SSN-900 я явно не увижу :D

RalF !


Snake> SSN-700 Dallas заложили 9 октября 1976 года. Закладку SSN-900 я явно не увижу :D

Я крайне вероятно, что тоже. :D

Колумбии получат номера 826-38. 5-я серия ведер 802-811, 6-я, если будет 10 корпусов понятно какие, там до 825 ещё и кусок 7-й будет. Короче говоря вирджи и колумбии точно обеспечат нумерацию до 840-х. SSNXы ещё несколько десятков, но вряд-ли что 50-60. Так шо тут только 6-е поколение...

RalF !


В октябре в Гротон доставили последнюю секцию корпуса SSN-799 Айдахо- восьмого корабля 4-й серии Вирджиний. 9-я последняя секция корпуса 4-й серии парой постов выше. В следующем году для их промышленности работа по корпусне на 4-й серии полностью закончится.
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Экипаж USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) участвует в групповом фото на летной палубе.
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hu1o2dhbik1a1.jpg (скачать) [5906x4219, 1.27 МБ]


US Navy S.E.A.L.S.
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VSS IMG_8579.jpg (скачать) [1000x800, 157 кБ]



Zorro> US Navy S.E.A.L.S.
SEAL -sea air land ;)

RalF !


Впервые с гуглокосмоса четкое изображение новых пусковых установок Вирджиний. Было бы интересно посмотреть на другие модули-ракетный модуль явно не единственный из доступных, и на барабаны ПТЗ в корме.
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FiVottkWAAA_Ri4.jpg (скачать) [1385x819, 359 кБ]
FiVor9ZXoAAtio5.jpg (скачать) [1467x837, 495 кБ]
US Seafang-45 #28.11.2022 21:06



USS Gerald R. Ford Back in Norfolk After Two Months in the Atlantic

First-in-class USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) is back at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., after a 53-day operational period in the Atlantic, U.S. 2nd Fleet announced on Saturday.

Ford arrived in Norfolk after returning from a port visit to the U.K., last week and exercises with allied nations throughout the North Atlantic.

“The flagship set sail from Norfolk, Virginia, Oct. 4, and traveled more than 9,275 nautical miles,” reads a statement from U.S. 2nd Fleet. “During the scheduled deployment, Ford operated with eight allies and partners, Canada, Denmark, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden, to strengthen interoperability, while conducting a range of maritime operations and exercises.”

Major events for the strike group included port visits to Halifax, Canada, on Oct. 28 and Portsmouth, U.K., on Nov. 14. Ford and its escorts also participated in the extensive Silent Wolverine exercise with ships from Canada, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and the Netherlands.

Through integrated and combined operations such as live and inert ordnance expenditure by Carrier Air Wing 8, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, and air defense, we set the stage for operating with Ford-class technologies in a deployed environment,” said Ford commander Capt. Paul Lanzilotta in the Saturday release. ”We completed more than 1,250 sorties, expended 78.3 tons of ordnance, and completed 13 underway replenishments.”

Ford took aboard a partial air wing composed of every type of aircraft used on an aircraft carrier. At any given point during the deployment, the carrier had up to 60 aircraft embarked — about 80 percent of a full air wing. Ford also took on more than 1,200 tons of ammunition as part of the underway.

Additionally, the strike group deployed with guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG-60) and guided-missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116), USS Ramage (DDG-61), USS McFaul (DDG-74 with Destroyer Squadron 26. In addition, the strike group deployed with the Coast Guard cutter USCGC Hamilton (WMSL-753).
US Seafang-45 #29.11.2022 20:10



USS Tripoli Nearing San Diego After Almost 7 Months at Sea

USS Tripoli (LHA-7) has entered U.S. 3rd Fleet and is preparing to return to its homeport in San Diego after a nearly seven-month deployment.
As of Monday, the amphibious warship has been deployed for 210 days since leaving San Diego on May 2nd.

Tripoli’s independent deployment was in part to test the F-35B “Lighting Carrier” concept that would load up to two dozen of the Marine fighters aboard the big deck amphibious warship as an adjunct to a traditional carrier strike group. Following the 2022 Valiant Shield exercise near Guam, the warship transitioned into an amphibious ready force with the Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 262 (Reinforced) embarked. Since the ship began its deployment in May, Tripoli has also had a detachment of MH-60S Knight Hawks embarked from the “Wildcards” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 23.
US Seafang-45 #29.11.2022 20:14



USS Makin Island Now in U.S. 7th Fleet

Amphibious warship USS Makin Island (LHD-8) is now operating in U.S. 7th Fleet after deploying earlier this mont. The warship pulled into Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam on Nov. 20 and departed a few days later, according to ship spotters. The two other ships in the Amphibious Ready Group, USS John P. Murtha (LPD-26) and USS Anchorage (LPD-23), were still at Pearl Harbor.

USS Makin Island and Murtha departed Naval Station San Diego, Calif., for their deployment on Nov. 9 with no fanfare. Anchorage followed the two amphibious warships the next day. The ARG is embarked with the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit.

USS Makin Island is deploying with a full squadron of 10 Marine F-35B Lighting Joint Strike Fighters from the “Flying Leathernecks” of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 122.

The Navy has released little information on the deployment since the ships departed San Diego. U.S. Pacific Fleet commander Adm. Samuel Paparo told reporters earlier this month he had specific training objectives for the Makin Island ARG and the 13th MEU, “and that’s what’s informing why we deploy that force with no advance notice.”


Редкий кадр для современных флотов: постановка на бочку ЭМ Paul Ignatius в Плимуте
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Это сообщение редактировалось 30.11.2022 в 21:16
US Seafang-45 #30.11.2022 21:48



USS Chancellorsville Performs South China Sea FONOP

U.S. guided missile cruiser past a disputed island chain in the South China Sea has drawn protests from Beijing and claims that the People’s Liberation Army expelled the ship from Chinese territorial waters.

According to U.S. 7th Fleet, USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) sailed past the Spratly Island chain on Tuesday as part of a freedom of navigation operation.

“USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the South China Sea near the Spratly Islands, consistent with international law. At the conclusion of the operation, USS Chancellorsville exited the excessive claim area and continued operations in the South China Sea,” reads the statement from 7th Fleet. “The freedom of navigation operation (“FONOP”) upheld the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea recognized in international law by challenging restrictions on innocent passage imposed by the People’s Republic of China, Vietnam and Taiwan.”

The Japan-based Chancellorsville has been operating with the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group in recent months.

China asserts that foreign warships passing within the territorial sea of its claims in the South China Sea require prior approval from Beijing. Under the U.N. Law of the Sea Convention, a warship can make an “innocent passage” through another country’s territorial waters without prior notification.

The Chinese state-supported South China Sea Probing Initiative published satellite images on Twitter showing the cruiser was operating near the Chinese artificial island at Fiery Cross Reef along with a U.S. P-8A Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft.
US Seafang-45 #30.11.2022 22:47



USS Tripoli Returns to San Diego After Seven-Month Maiden Deployment

Amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli (LHA-7) returned home on Tuesday following a seven-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific, the Navy announced.

The America-class amphibious ship pulled into its homeport of Naval Base San Diego, Calif., Tuesday morning local time.

The ship quietly left for its maiden deployment in May and spent the first few months testing out the “lightning carrier” or “assault carrier” concept with U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters aboard. “The U.S. Marine Corps embarked 16 F-35Bs aboard USS Tripoli, which flew missions in support of exercises Valiant Shield 22 and Noble Fusion,” according to a Tuesday release from Expeditionary Strike Group 3. “Overall, the crew completed 2,052 hours of flight operations and traveled 40,303 nautical miles during exercise support.”

During Tripoli‘s time in the Indo-Pacific, it drilled with aircraft carriers USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) for the "Valiant Shield" exercise in June.
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US Seafang-45 #01.12.2022 22:37



U.S. House, Senate Agree to Authorize 3 Arleigh Burke Class - Flight III Destroyers in FY 23

Congress is set to authorize the Navy to buy three Flight III Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers in Fiscal Year 2023 as part of a nearly finalized House and Senate $847 billion defense policy bill. House and Senate negotiators of the FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which lawmakers are set to file as early as the end of the week, agreed to authorize the acquisition of 11 new ships for the Navy as part of a deal that boosts the defense budget $45 billion over the Biden administration’s initial request for the Pentagon.

The Navy initially asked for two ships in FY 2023 as part of a proposed nine-ship multi-year destroyer deal with an option for a 10th in its latest budget submission.

More hulls will likely go to the larger Ingalls shipyard in Mississippi while Bath clears its backlog of current ships on order. Bath has been beset by slowdowns in its ship production, in part due to COVID-19-related delays. Last year, the yard delivered USS Daniel Inouye (DDG-118), which had originally started construction in 2014. The next ship from the yard, Carl Levin (DDG-120), is set to deliver in the next several months. The Navy has started work on developing the next large surface combatant — DDG(X) — that is set to follow the Burke line.

The inclusion of the additional Flight III in the FY 2023 NDAA comes as the Navy questions the industrial base’s capability to build beyond its current rate.“Right now, we’re not at a point where the industrial base can support three destroyers a year. They’re somewhere at two, two and a half,” Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday said in September.
“We want to make sure if we’re going to put that money down against shipbuilding, that the capacity is actually there.
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